Realm of Ink Wiki and Guides
From ink and brush, life springs anew, In death's embrace, souls remain still.


From Realm of Ink Wiki and Guides

Inks give main character ability to use skills, modify light and heavy attacks and also influence the Ink Pet's skills and abilities.

There are many different Inks in the Realm of Ink and they vary by the rarity and element.

Inks that are dropped by the enemies can be salvaged for upgrade resources. When visiting town you can upgrade the Ink you have to the higher rarity, increasing it's attributes and adding additional effects to them.

Wood[edit | edit source]

Venom Ink[edit | edit source]

Venom Ink.png

With the power of the Venom Ink.pngVenom Ink, you can inject foes with lethal poison.

Ivy Ink[edit | edit source]

Ivy Ink.png

With the power of Ivy Ink.pngIvy Ink, you can torment foes, greatly amplifying DOT damage.

Shield Ink[edit | edit source]

Shield Ink.png

With the power of Shield Ink.pngShield Ink, taking damage triggers a strong backlash against nearby enemies.

Vengeful Glare
Cooldown 13s.
Launch a shield shockwave forward, dealing xxx damage and gaining a Shield equal to 7% of Max HP, lasting 5s.

Tiger Ink Stats
Gained Shield +10%. When you take damage, it rebounds xx Additional Damage around. Releasing Light Attacks and Heavy Attacks have a 5% chance to gain a Shield equal to 3% of max HP, lasting 2s. It is non-stackable.

Herb Ink[edit | edit source]

Herb Ink.png

With the power of Herb Ink.pngHerb Ink, you can extract more strength from consumed elixirs or food.

Nature's Arsenal (Cooldown: 12s) Add 1 stack to all your stackable Buff statuses, then launch 3/4 Grass Darts at nearby enemies, dealing 9 damage. For each Buff status on you, an additional 1 dart is launched. (Maximum of 10 darts)

Herb Ink Stats
Duration of buffs and shields +10/15%. Light Attacks and Heavy Attacks have a 20/25% chance to gain Herb Decree, increasing Light Attacks and Heavy Attacks damage by 1/1.5%. This effect can accumulate up to 10 stacks, lasting 2s. When you consume an elixir, there's a 20% chance to double the buff effect.

Metal[edit | edit source]

Tiger Ink[edit | edit source]

Tiger Ink.png

With the power of Tiger Ink.pngTiger Ink, your aim sharpens, and critical chance ascends.

Claw Fury
Cooldown 12s
Added on epic upgrade?Summon the 1st-stage tiger claw to attack the front, dealing xxx damage. If at least 1 critical hit is caused, trigger 2nd-stage claw attack.
For each enemy you hit, Critical Chance +1/4%. The effect can accumulate up to 10 stacks and lasts 3/5s.

Tiger Ink Stats
Critical Chance +3/7%, Critical Damage +10/30%. The other Ink Skill you equip gains 10% Critical Chance.
Light attacks and Heavy Attacks and Ink Skills deal xxx Additional Damage, which has an additional 5% Critical Chance on critical hits.
Added on epic upgrade?Damage Modifier +1.5% every time you cause a critical hit. THe effect can accumulate up to 10 stacks and last 4s. Gain 1 energy every time you cause a Critical Hit, upon reaching 30 Energy, consume them and cast one 1st-stage claw from Claw Fury immediately (2nd-stage claw cannot be casted).

Kylin Ink[edit | edit source]

Kylin Ink.png

With the power of Kylin Ink.pngKylin Ink, you can gather wealth. The more money you have, the stronger its power.

Needle Ink[edit | edit source]

Needle Ink.png

With the power of Needle Ink, you can perce foes, causing severe bleeding.

Water[edit | edit source]

Curse Ink[edit | edit source]

Curse Ink.png

Curse Ink provides Steam Blast active skill, Curse and Exhaust effect on the enemies.

Steam Blast.
Cooldown 11s.
Make an enchanting sound, dealing xxx damage to the enemies around. When hitting an enemy, the big sound wave triggers a small wave, dealing xx damage and inflicting 1 stack of Exhaust. Each Curse inflicted on the enemy bonus this damage +50/75%

Curse Ink Stats
Curse Duration +1.5/3s, Exhaust Effect +5/7s.
Light Attack and Heavy Attack have 50/70% chance to inflict 1 stack of Exhaust.
For every stack of Curse on an enemy, it deals -2/3% damage,added on epic upgrade and takes +3% Critical Chance.
Every Time a Ink Skill defeats an enemy afflicted by Curse, your Ink Skills deal +0.5/1% damage permanently.

Flash Ink[edit | edit source]

Flash Ink.png

With the power of Flash Ink.pngFlash Ink, you can boost dash and cast Swift Blades for every dash.

Fire[edit | edit source]

Crane Ink[edit | edit source]

Crane Ink.png

With the power of Crane Ink.pngCrane Ink, magic circles gain immense power, searing enemies across a wide area.

Infernal Retribution
Cooldown 14s.
Summon the Crane Magic Circle, lasting 3/3/3s. Eash second, it deals xx damage to enemies within. Enemies within the circle take an additional 10/15/20% damage.And their damage dealt is reduced by 10%

Crane Ink stats
Magic Circle damage + 10/15/20%.
Added on Rare: Magic Circle range+10/15%.Magic Circle activation interval -30%. For each Magic Circle an enemy is in, their movement speed is reduced by 5/7%.
As long as you are within the Magic Circle, Light attacks and Heavy Attacks will launch a flame wave, dealing x points of Additional Damage. For each Magic Circle under your feet, the damage and size of the flame wave increase by15%.

Burning Ink[edit | edit source]

Burning Ink.png

With the power of Burning Ink.pngBurning Ink, you can scorch enemies with the hottest flames.

Phoenix Fire
Cooldown 10s.
Burst a circular-sector flame, consuming all Burning stacks inflicted on hit enemies, dealing xxx damage. For every Burning stack consumed, the skill damage + 40/80%. When the flame consumes Burning, the cooldown of this skill is reduced by 0.5/1s.
Added on Legendary upgrade:If it consumes more than 5 stacks of Burning, a Burning Explosion will be casted additionally on that enemy.

Crane Ink stats
Burning damage + 30/40%.
Light Attack and Heavy Attack have a 40/70% chance to apply additional Burning stack. The other Ink Skill you equip has a 70/100% chance to inflict 1 additional stack of Burning upon dealing damage. Every 3/2s, cast a Fire Ring around you, which deals xx Additional Damage and inflicts 3/4 stacks of Burning.Every time you inflict Burning to an enemy, there's a 3/5% chance to instantly trigger a Burning Explosion.
Added on Legendary upgrade: Burning Explosion is turned to powerful Phoenix Fire, which will incflict 1 stack of Curse called Phoenix Marker. (Every stack of Phoenix Marker on enemies, increases DOT damage they will receive by 3%)

Blaze Ink[edit | edit source]

Blaze Ink.png

With the power of Blaze Ink.pngBlaze Ink, the faster you use ink skills, the greater the amplification.throws fire ball that reaches further

Fire Ball.
Launch a fireball that explodes when it hits an object, dealing xxx damage and inflicting 1 stack of burning.

Earth[edit | edit source]

Quake Ink[edit | edit source]

Quake Ink.png

With the power of Quake Ink.pngQuake Ink, you can create a robust shield to block enemy attacks.

Land Slide
Cooldown 14s.
Summon an earthquake Magic Circle, lasting 3 s.
Every second, the magic circle deals xx damage to the enemies within and add a Shield equal to 1/1.5/3% of your Max HP for 2s.

Quake Ink stats
Max HP + 10/15/20/40.
When entering a new room, gain a Shield equal to 3/5/7% of your max HP, the Shield will disappear after leaving a room.
Gain 1/2/3% Damage Modifier and +1% Additional Damage for every 5 Shields.
Added on Rare upgrade: When Shielded, Light Attack and Heavy Attack cast an earth crack, which deals 15 Additional Damage and an extra Additional Damage equals to 25/30% of your Shield.
Added on Legendary upgrade: Whenever you gain Shield, Summon the Quake Turtle Possession for 1.5s: earth crack enhances into Turtle Temblor, dealing stronger fan-shaped AOE damage.

Visit Quake Ink.pngQuake Ink page for more details.

Stone Ink[edit | edit source]

Stone Ink.png

With the power of Stone Ink, the lower your HP, the greater your potential.

Uphill Punch
Cooldown 12s.
Summon a stonefall to hit the enemy, dealing xx damage. Damage +30% for every 40% HP lost.

Stone Ink stats
Max HP +10/15/20. When HP is below 50%, Damage Reduction + 7%, Damage Modifier + 20%. When HP is below 50%, Light Attacks or Heavy Attack cast stonethrust, which deals Additional Damage equal to 40% of the damage dealt by the attack, requires 3s to Charge.

Iris Ink[edit | edit source]

Iris Ink.png

Iris Ink provides Golden Vision skill and deals additional damage to Weakened enemies.

Golden Vision
Cooldown 15s.
Summon the power of Iris, dealing xx damage to enemies and adding 1/2 stack of Weaken.

Iris Ink stats
Weaken's vulnerability damage + 10/15%.
Added on Rare Upgrade: Every 5s: Add 1 stack of Weaken to a random enemy, prioritizing Elites or Bosses.
When dealing direct damage to an enemy with Weaken, deal xx Additional Damage.Added on Rare Upgrade: This Ink Gem gains damage from Weaken's vulnerability effect without consuming it.

Dragon Ink[edit | edit source]

Dragon Ink.png

With the power of Dragon Ink.pngDragon Ink, heavy attacks are stronger, while summoning a dragon avatar echoes their impact.

Momo Ink[edit | edit source]

Ink Gems with Momo power can boost your Ink Pet and summon wild Momos. Momos Inks are unique, because there are 5 Momo Inks, each one for it's own element: Wood, Metal, Water, Fire and Earth.

Summon Allies
Cooldown 16s
Choose a designated locations, and a Wild Momo will descend from the sky, dealing xx damage and fighting for you for 6s. You can summon up to 3 at the same time. (Wild Momo's damage is enhanced by your Ink Skill damage bonus)

Momo Ink Stats
Ink Pet Modifier +10%
Upon inflicting direct damage, your Momo has a 5% chance to unleash a magical burst, causing xx Additional Damage. (requires 1.5s to Charge)

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